The Room of Cadbury Milk Chocolates
Monday, July 31, 2006

8:14 AM

Sunday, July 23, 2006

today's choir duty was so tiring. but good! haha, i think i actually remembered to smile more(which i still think we look really goonz). oh and i went for a jog with josh and sky after service. it's really good, learnt more about running stuff and esp, how to gauge my heart rate which in turn tells me if I am training at the correct speed. haha, i sure dun want to reach my max heart rate of 200, may die lei. i still have my NUS, new balance and standard chart lei, nono can't die yet.

brought guitar for SOL-my duty to lead worship also. faints, all kinds of duty..going to take a good rest and enjoy sitting in service without moving, for at least a few months! and i dun think bringing my guitar to church is a good idea, too many evil eyes roaming around. it's so tiring to answer questions like: 1) is that your guitar? duh i am carrying it 2)you brought your guitar./? sometimes pple ask questions with a fullstop or question mark i also cannot understand. but duh, i am carrying my guitar!
i have more questions that i get about my guitar but no need to put it here bcos my answers will still be same.

oh, wat about questions like: is the lemon sour? oh, you want the degree of sourness 1-10?is there such a thing as sweet-lemon? maybe orange? (that's if the shop keeper likes u and sells u a sweet one lar)

ANYWAY. i am ONE of a kind. dun like the way i do things? too bad! it's MY things anyway. my mum doesn't even....

never mind, let's not bring my mum into the picture..........................................

my final words, a NO from me means? NO!!!!!!! (anyway i dun like too many !!! and ??? on my blogs) gives me headache. (i call those !!!??? things as ding ding dings)...and what's the diff between a "NO!" and a "NO!!!"??? looks nice??? you will sound louder meh? sorry my computer on silent mode. just one "!" will do. too many "!!!" and "???" i also cannot hear.


9:29 PM

Friday, July 21, 2006

ignore my harsh tone, i'm just super irritated with these pple.

just let me rant on and on til i get tired.


8:21 PM

just got the news that one of my course mate is getting married. tomorrow. what's up with these pple? if they dun sleep around and feed on alcohol and drugs, they go for abortions, if not they simply get married. madness!

and for goodness, she's MY age! and her hubby-to-be is an NSF, what a happy ending? gosh, i never liked her because everything she says and does has a reason. like i said, most poly pple are selfish brats who care for themselves. and she's def one of them. to them, having fun is doing anything for their own benefit.

she's known as the fugly girl and now, she's getting married. what's with this world coming to? oh, i heard she's pregnant that's why, but no matter how much i dislike her, i have to admit she was doing fine, academically and i would never imagine that she'll do something as stupid as this.

poor kid of hers. i do hope she does a better job at it.

6:56 PM

Sunday, July 16, 2006

here are the overdue pictures of my graduation from TP....

with mum and dad

see zc! i really know sylvia lim!! she's my lecturer and very down-to-earth, i love her classes!

mum, lydia, me and haniel - took this at home since they didn't come to the ceremony, mum says at least get a chance to take picture with the 'scholar' dots.


oh oh, this is my fav picture from BBQ at kenny's new house. a pity BB turned away, see kaypoh lar!haha.

and also, my new water pack for cycling trips, only $25 brand new, bought online:) heh

tata, more pictures to come:)

10:30 PM

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

i'm cycling, for real. but more for fun than serious la...Jed's running and Kenneth's swimming:) haha, i feel quite comfortable with my team!

the joke: i wanted to use my bro's mountain bike but he lost the key to the steel lock - faints. good ole Amanda came by to help me break it :) we spent 2.5 hours of twisting;cutting;hammering and chiseling, result of strained arms, and a sacrificial cut on her hand to finally break it! steel ok, no joke (the way it twines together scares me) - wait til i get the photo of the broken lock. faints, my hand still hurts and i still have to practise my F chord. bleah...

went to the bike shop to get my wheels changed and do some servicing - a total of $101 (but i bargained for $100 - damn, tmr shall get him to add in a free light or something) haha, anyway still think it's cheaper than other shops. and watever! this is my first triathlon, when i'm ready to get serious than i'll think about getting a big and good one (like amanda's crossbreed) - let's all have fun and enjoy first lars!!

anyway thanks amanda!!! u're my angel :) even went shopping with me today and see me stock up on my cup noodles like some freako.and walk the whole of giant, up and down looking for my snacks to pass time in Haig Girls. (not bcos i'm idle but bcos the food there is getting boring.)

haha, let's get started with training when i get my bike tmr, really hope its faster and smoother, my butt hurts now, after 5km only, faints.

also, thank God cos I found a teacher in Haig Girls who belongs to the women's network from FC. she's friendly and I feel like I know somebody around, finally. anyway, today she asked me to join her for prayer walk this friday morning around the school - and she's super excited about it! another Godsent angel i'm pretty sure:)

ok, now that i've got my pay i can finally get the Estee Lauder Pleasure Intense this Friday at the airport when we send Andrew off:) going to use my pass to get in and say hi to cute Matty and weihong a.k.a Mr O for Oblivious (i miss his gong gong-ness) and also to do some shopping, heh heh heh...

8:32 PM

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Yes, I've always wanted to donate blood. For what reason, I've got no idea. But I remember the first time I wanted to donate was during a blood drive held in Temasek Poly, b4 I graduated. A pity, there were too many pple, and I hate waiting.

Anyway, I finally did it! went with Sam Wong to HSA yesterday afternoon. it was an experience better than I had expected it to be, I mean u really feel that you are going to save somebody's life, heh. and the nurses are super friendly, the moment I walked in they sat me down and threw me with lots of brochures, and started to look for a vein to poke the needle in. haha, it must be that stupid sticker on my shirt that says: "BE NICE TO ME! THIS IS MY FIRST DONATION!"

Oh well, the only scary part was the blood test when the nurse pricked my finger and squeezed my blood into a thin and short straw (those kind you use to sip from your bourbon coke in Devils' Bar or somethin like that la). then she dripped some into a container of blue liquid and said it was to test my iron level. dots..this was the most painful part.

next was the real thing. the nurse looking for my vein was more excited than I was and kept saying that I was very brave cos her daughter who was also my age, didn't dare to donate blah blah... then she said that since it was my first time then I most probably wouldn't be able to fill up the whole pack..

haha, but I filled it up within 2 minutes while they were chatting with me. I just kept squeezing the toy heart they gave me to help pump out my blood. think I should have just continued pumping another pack la haha. hmm no i'll save it for the next time, 3 months later:)


bbq was o.k. only, didn't really enjoy myself. speaks for itself i guess. but i sure did enjoy some company and the super lame jokes. haha, i miss prissy's mimi already!


upcoming: registration for New Balance Real Run (10km:slope/sand/trail) on 20th August 2006 at Sentosa. $25 includes a t-shirt and shoe bag. quite worth it
closing date for registration: 30th July 2006.

who's game for it, I've got a few names already:)

12:15 AM

Thursday, July 06, 2006

ok sorry not cursing but the Germans were playing such a stupid game (my dad said so and i believe him). if they had scored at least 1 goal then there would be hope! even better, we'll win some money (haha, played a little - this world cup only)

anyway, France is really not bad. Zidane especially. old ginger still got power eh! haha...

went Zouk with denise, Haniza, Caddie, Peishan,Haifiz, Wen Xin and Marie. Mambo at the main arena was a joker, so we went to Phuture for RnB-so fun with all the girls:) (knew them from my airport job-it's dominated by girls u see, cos visa wants to cash in on the girl-factor) anyway, really fun cos we just went mad dancing and pushing here and there. it was super duper crowded cos its Ladies' Night (duh) but the crowd was clean and really yummy to look at (Denise and Haniza said so). a pity most of them were tired from work and had to leave early...hhmm..we'll plan for another time, then can get Clarence and WeiHong and the other guys along:)

ok now it's Italy vs France, monday 1.20am - I AM STAYING UP FOR IT!
ps: who do u say will win?heh

8:23 AM

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

yes, i'm finally back. after 2 months of daily nights at the airport, i think i need to get my biological clock back. which means i can continue with my hk serials! woohoo!! and while jean is enjoying herself in Honkie Tonkie, I'll get busy with my relief teaching at Haig Girls' and lots of other stuff going on. better remind her again to buy stuff for me!!!!

this week, there's 1728 meeting with Pastor (which was great, I just came back from one); guitar classes, settlers' cafe, preparation for the BBQ at Kenny's this sat; buy zc's present... and the finals of the world cup! haha.

anyway, my airport job is not completely O.V.E.R yet cos I still love the place (the shopping rocks and i have my eye on this estee lauder pleaseure intense perfume-and my colleague knows the staff there so he may be able to help me get their own staff discount which is super good!haha) and told them they could call me as and when they needed me. after all, I can still make new friends and chit chat with my friends at PCC and get free breakfast every morning, heh (it's Pacific Coffee Club by the way). i already miss the mango cheesecake, pastries, sandwiches, oreo cheesecake and turkey ham panini together with hot chocolate. faints, midnight shift is really shiok except we sleep at wierd hours lar..

oh well, relief teaching's great too! working hours, the money, and the girls are easy to handle.... I already got 4 cards from primary 1 girls that say,"I love you Miss Soh, alot alot.." haha, so cute right! and i enjoy teaching music because the girls actually enjoy my lesson.

ok, a little groggy now cos worked last night from 11pm-7am then went for relief teaching til 1pm then tuition then 1728 meeting. yes sounds like superwoman returns? bleah, lame... now need to sleep to get up at 3am to watch the germany match!


11:52 PM


Calling her Pamelia
She LOVES to travel
A women's age is a secret, she is no exception
She likes to speak weird language, KOREAN
She is crazy over KOREA stuff
She loves to DANCE
&&& She LOVES airport job

Say It


Cousin Sophia | Zhenchang | James | Jean YeowYeow | Christine Ch(i)onger | Lijuan | Felicia | Melisa |

사랑이 싫어요 - 나윤권


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